Thursday, May 26, 2011

Dark Heart - Guest Heart Thursday

I caught this Dark Heart floating over the walnut trees in the back yard a few days back.  I was just amazed by its beauty--I was able to capture only the essence of the heart I saw in the skies that afternoon.  Do you notice the perfect triangle in the center of the heart? 

For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Another Perfect Circle

I am ever amazed at the perfection of various shapes to be found in the clouds--this includes circles such as you see here.    What a beauty!  So perfect.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Pink Heart at Sunset - Guest Heart Thursday

Watching the sunset is something I love to do.  I'm always so glad to have my camera near when the clouds do something like they did in this wonderful photo. 

For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Motley Square

I was in awe the night this Motley Square cloud floated across the skies, just as the sun lowered behind the hilltops.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Fraggle Heart - Guest Heart Thursday

Yes, this is a cloud heart--but a bit fraggled.  That's the word I use for clouds "fraggled" by the air currents.  They're fun to watch.  This heart was gone in a trice!

For more heart art, photography and altogether fabulous heart stuff from around the world, visit Clytie at Random Hearts for Guest Heart Thursday.