Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Total Eclipse of the Sun

Monday, August 21st, we experienced the total eclipse of the Sun here in Oregon.  I was fortunate to live exactly along the line in which totality took place.  It was an incredible experience. For a full description visit my blog Expect the Unexpected.

Just before the eclipse, the shadows of the leaves were upside down crescents.

After the total eclipse took place, the crescent shadows reversed direction.

Here is an explanation from David Bell, aerospace test engineer:   "Small openings between objects such as tree leaves act like pinhole camera apertures. These allow light rays from different parts of the partially obscured Sun to create an enlarged image of the Sun on the ground. The same shadows occur all the time, but the images created are circular, showing the entire solar disk. Under very good conditions, the image can include large sunspots, as well."

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